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Summer and Post-Graduation Access to Legal Databases: Lexis+

This guide outlines what and how students can access Westlaw, Lexis Advance, and Bloomberg Law during the summer and after graduation.

Permissible Use

Permissible Uses of Lexis

Lexis Policy on Use of Law School Educational IDs

Students may use their LexisNexis Law School Educational ID only for academic purposes. Academic purposes include:

  • class preparation and assignments
  • research associated with moot court or law review/law journal
  • research associated with pursuing a grant or scholarship
  • service as a research assistant to a professor (either paid or unpaid)
  • an unpaid internship, externship or clinic for school credit or graduation requirement

Academic purposes do not include research conducted for a law firm, corporation or other entity that is paying the student to conduct said research or that is passing along the costs of said research to a third party. These are deemed commercial purposes.

Summer Access

Summer access is unrestricted and automatic (commercial/firm, academic, personal use OK during summer). Acceptable use reverts to “academic use only” after summer.


Spring graduates have access to Lexis+ via their law school IDs through December 31, 2024. This ID also grants them access to the Graduate Home Page.