To locate environmental law review articles, which are scholarly, in-depth, and foot-noted, use Westlaw, Lexis, or HeinOnline. Another possibility is SSRN (the Social Science Research Network) which contains a great many open-access law review articles.
To locate environmental news articles, consult our databases including ClimateWire, EnergyWire, Environment & Energy Daily, and GreenWire.
To locate environmental articles that do not specifically deal with the law, UH subscribes to a number of relevant databases including JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, Science Reference Center, ScienceDirect, etc.
If you find a reference to a relevant article, but not the full-text of it, search for the title of the journal in SFX to see if UH has access to it in electronically. You may also want to check Primo OneSearch to see if wer have the journal in print.
If the journal is not listed in SFX or Primo OneSearch, you can request a copy of the article through InterLIbrary Loan.