Search Types | Example | |
Citations | Find: 5 U. Haw. L. Rev. 327 (or 5 UHILR 327) | Use when you are uncertain of the citation format and want to prevent a search from running if the citation is not valid. |
If you are certain of the citation, you can just type it in without Find: in front of it. | ||
Fi: 5 U. Haw. L. Rev. 327 (or 5 UHILR 327) | ||
Find and Print Multiple Citations | 562fs263; 97 sct 569; 42 u.s.c.1983 | Enter multiple citations separated by semicolons. |
- or - | ||
Copy and paste up to 20 citations from a list directly into the search box without needing to add semicolons. | ||
Find by Party Name | Brown v. Board | Enter party names directly into the search box. Whenever possible, the closest match will display at the top of the page in a blue box above your search results. Below the blue box, WestSearch results are displayed, ranked by relevance. |
KeyCite a Document | keycite 66 Haw. 1 or | Enter keycite or kc: followed by a citation into the search box. The result is a dynamic KeyCite display. If the document has been negatively referenced, Westlaw will display the Negative Treatment. If there are no negative references, Westlaw will display Citing References |
kc: 66 Haw. 1 | ||
Publication or Database | hi-st = Looking for this? feature appears and suggests Hawaii resources) | Type “hi-st” and see Content Pages section: Hawaii Statutes & Court Rules Hawaii Statutes Index Hawaii Statutes Annotated - Historical Hawaii Statutes - Unannotated Hawaii Statutes Find Template |
Publication name with search terms | hawaii administrative code: workers compensation dispute self-insured claim | Sometimes must type in the exact title, see merrick rippner example to the left. |
baldwin's ohio practice-merrick-rippner probate law: codicil and after-acquired property | ||
Overrides the jurisdiction you selected. | ||
Topic | Criminal law:conversion and elements | Enter the name of any topic available in Westlaw on the Topics tab, followed by a colon and your search terms. |
Advanced | Advanced: conversion and elements | To indicate a Boolean search. If you type in a search with only AND/OR connectors, you must type Advanced: or Adv: in order for it to run as a terms and connectors search, not a natural language WestSearch. |
Adv: Conversion and elements |
Searching and Fields - Westlaw
Tip: To limit your search to a single set of rules, use a citation field search term.
Examples of Citation Field Search Terms for
Rules of Civil procedure |
"r rcp" |
Rules of Penal Procedure |
penal |
Rules of Evidence (HRS sections 626-1, 626-2, 626-3) |
ch. s /1 626 |
Rules of Appellate Procedure |
rap |
Appellate Conference Program Rules |
conf |
Rules of the Supreme Court |
"s ct" |
Exhibit A. Rules of Professional Conduct |
rpc |
Exhibit A-1.Guidelines of Professional Courtesy and Civility for Hawaii Lawyers |
"gds prof" |
Exhibit A-2. Disciplinary Board Rules |
"disc brd" |
Exhibit B. Revised Code of Judicial Conduct |
cjc |
Exhibit B-1. Principles of Professionalism for Hawaii Judges |
"prin prof" |
Board of Bar Examiners - Rules of Procedure |
"bar exam" |
Rules of the Intermediate Court of Appeals |
"r a ct" |
Rules of the Tax Appeal Court |
tax |
Rules of the Circuit Courts |
"cir ct" |
Exhibit A. Arbitration Rules |
arb |
Probate Rules |
prob |
District Court Rules of Civil Procedure; Rules of the District Courts; Rules of the Small Claims Division of the District Courts |
"r dist" |
Civil Traffic Rules |
traf |
Family Court Rules |
fam |
Rules of the Land Court |
land |
Judicial Selection Commission Rules |
select |
Rules Governing Court Reporting; Exhibit A. Shorthand Reporters Rules and Regulations; Exhibit B. Shorthand Reporters Disciplinary Rules |
rpt |
Rules for Certification of Spoken and Sign Language Interpreters |
interp |
State Bar Association Constitution and Bylaws |
bar |
Rules Governing Trust Accounting |
trust |
Standard Civil Jury Instructions |
"civ jury" |
Pattern Jury Instructions--Criminal |
"cr jury" |
U.S. District Court |
usdct |
Bankruptcy Rules |
lbr |
The abbreviations for the fields in this category page are:
CI | CITATION | Unique references for citing to specific documents. |
PR | PRELIM | Headings that precede the caption. |
CA | CAPTION | Section, rule or canon number and heading. |
TE | TEXT | Text of the document. |
CR | CREDIT | Statutory credits. |
SD | SUBSTANTIVE DOCUMENT | Prelim, citation, caption, text, and credit fields. |
HN | HISTORICAL NOTES | Historical notes, references and notes of decision. |
RE | REFERENCES | Historical notes, references and notes of decision. |
AN | ANNOTATIONS | Historical notes, references and notes of decision. |