Saikō Saibansho Kisokushū 最高裁判所規則集
Supreme Court Rules
In general, court decisions are harder to locate than laws. English translations of court decisions are rare, but some are available.
Docket numbers are unique identifiers for cases in Japan's single national court system, which is administered by the Supreme Court. Keyword searching allows access by the full text of cases, and is available in all commercially available online Japanese legal information systems.
Judgments of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court Opinions.
Saikō Saibansho Hanreishū, 1952- 最高裁判所判例集
Summaries of Japan Supreme Court cases.
Kōtō Saibansho Hanreishū 高等裁判所判例集
Summaries of High Court.
Kakyū Saibansho Hanreishū 下級裁判所判例集
Summaries of District Court cases.
Chiteki zaisan saiban Hanreishū 知的財産裁判例集
Case summaries of all courts in Japan on intellectual property.
Zenhanrei Kensaku 全判例検索(All cases)
Saikin no Hanrei Ichiran 最近の判例一覧
Lists of recent court decisions. Covers last one-three months.
Court Decision Information Details |
Type |
Japanese |
Romanized |
English |
Date |
平成17年3月28日 |
Heisei 17-nen 3-gatsu 28-nichi |
3/28/2005 |
Court Name |
大阪地裁 |
Ōsaka Chisai |
Osaka District Court |
Trial Type |
判決 |
Hanketsu |
Court decision |
Docket Number |
平7(ワ)7992号 |
Hei7(wa) 7992-gō |
Hei7 (wa) no. 7992 |
Incident Name |
損害賠償等請求事件 |
Songai baishō seikyū jiken |
Claim for compensation of damages |
Trial Result |
一部認容、一部却下 |
Ichibu nin'yō, Ichibu kyakka |
One part affirmed, One part dismissed |
Appeals, etc |
上訴 |
Jōso |
Appealed |
Westlaw # |
2005WLJPCA03280002 |
NA |
NA |