The following subject searches are recommended to identifying multiformat books about the ICTY.
The ICTY oversees war crimes cases from the Balkin conflict during 1900's. It has jurisdiction over the territory of the former Yugoslavia from 1991 onward. It has jurisdiction over individual persons only. It does not have jurisdiction over organisations, political parties, army units, administrative entities or other legal subjects. It was formed by U.N. Security Council Resolution 827 on May 25, 1993.
The following titles are recommended to learn more about the ICTY:
The ICTY is organized into three Trial Chambers and one Appeals Chamber. The Trial Chamber consists of three permanent judges and a maximum of six ad litem. The Appeals Chamber consists of seven permanent judges. The working languages of the ICTY are English and French. Subject matter is limited to war crimes committed in the territorial boundaries of the former Yugoslavia occurring after 1990.
The ICTY provides access to Practice Directions, for the court, and Training Materials for international criminal law practice tailored to the legal frameworks of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia.
Defense counsel should also be aware of the Code of Professional Conduct.
The court schedule and broadcast options can be accessed from the ITCY web site.