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Public International Law: When the U.S. May Be or is Not a Party

This guide highlights key resources for international law research.

Find the Citation - Indexes

Indexes – Most useful to find a citation by subject matter or chronological date. These entries give you quick facts about each treaty such as signatories and date entered into force.

Flare Index to Treaties (1856 to present)

Multilateral treaties : index and current status & 11th Supp. (1856 - 1994)

World Treaty Index (1900 – 2000)

Multilateral Treaty Calendar (1648-1995)  - Organized chronologically but has a subject index. The Table of Contents for this book can be found on Google Books (use control+f to search by subject).

Online Treaty Collections by Subject

In additional to the full text sources above, these web sites organize treaties by subject.


  • ENTRI - Multilateria treaties and national level data for 200+ countries.
  • Ecolex - Access to environmental treaties and national implementing legislation.

Human Rights

Humanitarian Law (Peace and War related agreements)

Intellectual Property

  • WIPO - Treaties administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization


  • U.S. Trade Agreements Collection - Text of agreements provided by the U.S. Trade Representative
  • UNIDROIT - Collects instruments related to private international law with respect to trade.
  • UNCITRAL - U.N. commission that coordinates trade agreements with the World Trade Organization.
  • CISG - Database of treaty text, instruments and case law interpreting the Convention on the International Sale of Goods.
  • WTO Agreements - Collection of trade agreements administered by the WTO

Full Text

Full Text Resources - See also the box on Treaties by Subject located below on this page.

Regional Treaty Resources

For a more complete listing, see EISIL and WorldLII.