Determine whether the company is publicly traded, privately held, or a subsidiary or division of a larger company. If your company is a subsidiary or division, you may need to conduct some of your research on the parent company.
U.S. public companies must file with the SEC. These reports (10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, Proxies, etc.) are available from several sources. Some of our databases will provide core financials for very large private firms.
Locate industry surveys or overviews.
Consult the 10-K that U.S. public companies must file with the SEC. In the Business Overview Section (Item 1 - Business), companies are required to report on the nature of competition in their industry. This section often delivers key insights into the competitive factors that shape an industry.
Find recent articles to learn about the company's leadership, trends, directions, products, etc.
Expert analysts at investment and consulting firms produce detailed reports on selected companies.