Space law is a popular topic in general and international law journals. These journals are available through your Lexis+, Westlaw, and Hein Online databases; however, remember that the journals on Lexis+ and Westlaw do not provide full coverage prior to 1990. Hein Online will provide full historical coverage, but they might not yet have the most current editions of law journals loaded as quickly at Lexis+ and Westlaw. To find older journal articles search Hein Online, or use the Index to Legal Periodicals (1908-1980).
In addition to journal articles, there are regular conference proceedings, newsletters, etc. that are included in this listing.
Space Policy Online is, as the screen shot above indicates, an excellent resource for news, information, and analysis about civil, military, and commercial space programs. SPO has an excellent space law section.
SPO was founded by Marcia Smith, who is the "North American Editor of the journal Space Policy, and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the American Astronautical Society (AAS)."
The London Institute of Space Policy and Law is independent charity associated with the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at London University. The institute carries out research in space policy and law topics, examining the "merits and consequences of alternative policy and legal options available to states active in space." Its website maintains information on various research and publications, and has links to multiple relevant universities, space agencies and international bodies concerned with space law.
Leiden Law Blog has a "dossier" section on air and space law. While the section appears to have been last updated in 2013, it boasts some very interesting commentary, including: "Space Junk and the Law," "Pioneers in space, work for lawyers," and "Aviation and Climate Change, all Talk and no Action?"
The ABA's Forum Committee on Air and Space Law website provides access to the quarterly newsletter, "The Air and Space Lawyer". Relevant events are also listed, as well as various links to resources, including government websites, trade association websites, publications websites, and academia/research sources.
The Space Law section of the Peace Palace Library website is yet another source for information on international space law. The library maintains a space law blog, a thorough bibliography, and some other very useful resources including the "Librarian's Choice" section and "Database".