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Researching the People's Republic of China (Focus: Business Laws): News Sources

This research guide will point you to several general resources for conducting foreign law research, and focus more specifically on China and laws governing businesses in that jurisdiction.

Recommended Blogs and News

Current Awareness and Analysis

  • Bloomberg Law database collects country and region specific news and provides legal and business analysis on developments in other countries.  Select coverage via their Practice Center tab.
  • China Law and Practice is often the first resource to report on developments in the law.  In addition to their news service, CLP provides full text translations of the law.  Access is limited to UH Law students, facutly and staff. Contact Librarian Swee Berkey at to obtain a user name and password.
  • Westlaw China is a full service database.  Access news and laws in Chinese and English. 
  • Westlaw
    • From the Directory, select "International/Worldwide"
    • Select: > Asia and the Pacific Rim > Individual Country Materials > China
    • Select:> a database 
    • Possible Search: HLD(China and foreign investment) & add a date restrictor
      • Use LOCATE IN RESULTS to find topic specific articles
      • Use ADD SEARCH TO WESTCLIP to obtain continuous news feeds