The journal articles listed here are available in the Law Library in print or electronically to those with UH Law School logins via Heinonline, Westlaw or LexisNexis.
- "Father and Grandfather: The Family of William S. Richardson," University of Hawaii Law Review 33 (Winter 2010): 57.
Written by his children.
- "Tribute: Chief Justice William S. Richardson (1919-2010)," University of Hawaii Law Review 33 (Winter 2010).
Entire issue about Richardson.
- Acoba, Simeon R. Jr. “Richardson Years: A Golden Age of Law in Hawai’i, The.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 33 (2010): 71.
- Andrade, Troy J. H. “Ke Kanawai Mamalahoe: Equality in Our Splintered Profession.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 33 (2010): 249.
- Burns, James S. “William S. Richardson: A Leader in Hawai’i’s Successful Post-WWII Political and Judicial Revolution.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 33 (2010): 25.
- Chang, Williamson B. C. “Life of the Law is Perpetuated in Righteousness: The Jurisprudence of William S. Richardson, The.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 33 (2010): 99.
- Lui-Kwan, Ivan M. “Beloved Teacher Whose Vision Had No Boundaries, A.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 33 (2010): 39.
- Van Dyke, Jon M., and Maile Osika. “William S. Richardson: A Visionary with a Common Touch.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 33 (2010): 83.
- Masuda, Mel. "Remembrance of Chief Justice Richardson," Hawaii Bar Journal (Dec. 2010): 15.
- "A Silver Celebration: In Honor of the 25th Anniversary of the William S. Richardson School of Law," University of Hawaii Law Review 21 (1999): 1-40. (Available to UH on Heinonline.)
Includes articles by Dean Lawrence C. Foster; Ira Michael Heyman from the Smithsonian wrote the history of the Law School beginning on page 5; speeches given by various faculty and dignitaries.
- Dodd, Carol Santoki. “Richardson Court: Ho’Oponopono, The.” University of Hawaii Law Review 6 (1984): 9.
- Richardson, William S. “Judicial Independence: The Hawaii Experience.” University of Hawaii Law Review 2 (1981): 1.
Court caseloads, the role of courts and judicial independence; the unique legal traditions in Hawaii.
- Richardson, William S. “Ka ’ike nui, ka ’ike iki.” University of Hawaii Law Review 1 (1979): 0.
Richardson's comments on the inagural issue of the University of Hawaii Law Review. (Available to UH on Heinonline.)
Ehrlich, Thomas, and Bayless A. Manning. “Programs in Law at the University of Hawaii--A Report to the President of the University.”
Journal of Legal Education 24 (1971): 3. (Available to UH on