Use an index to find a citation to a treaty and confirm quick facts regarding dates, signatories and status (ratification).
Treaties In Force - DOS publication for bilateral and multilateral treaties. Lists signatories, entry into force dates and reservations.
A Guide to US Treaties in Force - This is an expanded version of the DOS Treaties in Force. Includes brief annotations for treaties, parallel citations, country list of what countries the US has a current treaty.
Multilateral Treaties for which the United States is a Depositary - This DOS web site lists the 200+ multilateral treaties deposited with the US government.
United States Treaty Index – Covers all U.S. treaties (ratified or not) from 1776 to 1995. The first five volumes contain the "master guide," organized by treaty number. Provides parallel citations, signature information, status. Other indexes refer you back to the master guide. See also Current Treaty Index.
Current Treaty Index - Updated twice a year, serves as a good updating service for the USTI.
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (in microfiche at UH but also available on HeinOnline) - The KAV series is tied to other publications by the same author (Igor Kavass) including a Guide to US Treaties in Force and Current Treaty Index.
Subject index to the Executive Agreement Series (1930-1945).
Official Sources (required for citation under BB R. 21) - Use these sources to search by topic or when you have a citation. If you have a date range, pay attention to publication periods. For convenience, check the sub-tab on citation for treaties. Many of these resource can be found in the Hein Online Treaties and International Agreements Library. You will benefit from watching their webinar on Treaty Research and their Treaty and International Agreements Library.
Unofficial sources