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Studies on Note Taking
- Aiken, E.G., Thomas, G.S., & Shennum, W.A. (1975). "Memory for a lecture: Effects of notes, lecture rate and informational density." Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 439-444.
- Bielaczyc, K., Pirolli, P., & Brown, A.L. (1991, March). "The effects of training in explanation strategies on the acquisition of programming skills." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
- Craik, F.I.M., & Watkins, M.J. (1973). "The role of rehearsal in short-term memory." Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 12, 599-607.
- Crawford, C. C. (1925). "The correlation between lecture notes and quiz papers." The Journal of Educational Research, 12, 282–291.
- Kauffman, D.F., & Kiewra, K.A. (1999, April). "Indexing, extraction, and localization effects for learning from matrices, text and outlines." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
- Kiewra, K. A., Benton, S. L., & Lewis, L. B. (1987). "Qualitative aspects of notetaking and their relationship with information processing ability." Journal of Instructional Psychology, 14, 110–117.
- Kiewra, K. A., Mayer, R. E., Christensen, M., Kim, S., & Risch, N. (1991). "Effects of repetition on recall and notetaking: strategies for learning from lectures." Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 120–123.
- Kiewra, K.A., Kauffman, D.F., Robinson, D., DuBois, N., & Staley, R.K. (1999). "Supplementing floundering text with adjunct displays." Journal of Instructional Science, 27, 373-401.
- Kiewra, Kenneth A. (2002) “How Classroom Teachers Can Help Students Learn and Teach Them How To Learn.” Theory into Practice, 41, 71–80
- Maddox, H., & Hoole, E. (1975). "Performance decrement in the lecture." Educational Review, 28, 17–30.
- Mayer, R.E. (1984). "Aids to text comprehension." Educational Psychologist, 19, 30-42.
- Mayer, R.E. (1989). "Models for understanding." Review of Educational Research, 59, 43-64.
- Mayer, R.E. (1996). "Learning strategies for making sense out of expository text: The SOI model for funding three cognitive processes in knowledge construction." Educational Psychology Review, 8, 357-372.
- Nouri, H., & Shahis, A. (2008). "The effect of PowerPoint lectures on student performance and attitudes." The Accounting Educators’ Journal, 15, 103–117.
- Schepman, Astrid, Paul Rodway, Carol Beattie, and Jordana Lambert. (2012). “An Observational Study of Undergraduate Students’ Adoption of (Mobile) Note-Taking Software.” Computers in Human Behavior 28, 308–17.
- Titsworth, S., & Kiewra, K. A. (2004). "Spoken organizational lecture cues and student notetaking." Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 447–461.
- Trevors, G., Duffy, M., & Azevedo, R. (2014). "Note-taking within MetaTutor: interaction between an intelligent tutoring system and prior knowledge on note- taking and learning." Educational Technology Research and Development, 62, 507–528.