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Guide to the Law Library at UH Manoa : Fines, Renewals & Fees

A guide to the University of Hawaii Law Library.

Costs for Fines & Replacements

In 2021, the University System Libraries abolished fines for overdue items.  Borrowers are still accountable for lost or damaged library items as noted below.
  • $0.50/day for Reserve Materials

An item that has incurred $10.00 in overdue fines is considered lost. A lost item incurs the following charges:

  • $80.00 minimum replacement charge or actual replacement cost whichever is higher (the cost of law books range from $60 - $900+, the cost of acquiring and processing a new item now exceeds $60, even for inexpensive paperbacks. Costs are higher for non-current materials that are not available at bookstores.)
  • overdue fines up to $10.00 and
  • a nonrefundable $10.00 processing fee

Both the $10 overdue fine and $10 processing fee must be paid even after the item is returned. If an item is returned in damaged condition, the same replacement charges will apply. Failure to pay financial obligations may result in one or all of the following: library borrowing privileges withheld, submission to collection agency, the right to register for classes withheld, non-issuance of diplomas and transcripts, or other appropriate sanctions.

How to Pay Fines


Online Payment of any library fines and fees with a credit or debit card is now possible on your MyUH account. 

Library fines and fees incurred at any UH System library may be paid at the Law Library during front desk operating hours. Please bring student I.D. and exact change only.  

Conversely, any Law Library fine and fee may be paid at any UH System library or at the Business Office located on the first floor of Hamilton Library. Hamilton Library allows fines and fees to be paid via phone with a credit card during regular business hours by calling the Business Office at 956-7203.

Notification of Fines

All notifications of library fines and fees will be sent only to email accounts. You may easily forward your account to another email address, eg. yahoo or hotmail. To find out how to forward your account emails, please visit Visiting Scholars/Practitioners: Notifications will be sent to the email address provided.

Renewal & Recall


Renew items before their due date.

Items may be renewed online.

  • Go to MY ACCOUNT on library website
  • Log in with username and Password
  • Place Check mark in the box to the left of book title
  • Click RENEW
  • New due date should be shown on right side of the book titlle

If you are blocked from renewing an item, please return the item to the library. Circumstances that block an item renewal include:

  • The item has been requested by another borrower, there is a hold on the item.
  • You are blocked from borrowing for non-payment of fines or fees. Check your My Account page.
  • Your borrower’s card has expired or needs to be re-registered.
  • The renewal limit for your borrower status or the item’s status has been reached.
  • Item is on reserve or pending reserve.
  • Media item has been scheduled for a classroom showing.

Renewals depend on the kind of material, the collection from which the item was borrowed and the borrower's privileges.


All borrowed items are subject to recall at any time by the library for use by other patrons. Fines for overdue recalled books are $0.50 per item per day, beginning with the new due date.

Your Library Primo Account

By accessing your own Library account, you may check the due dates of items you have borrowed, any fines owed, and the status of any books you have requested to see if they are available for pickup. Login to the MY ACCOUNT function in Primo and sign in using your UH log in credentials.

Mālama Our Learning Materials

Concealment of Library Materials

Library users are asked to treat the library materials with care. To extend the life of the materials, please avoid the following:

  • use of Post-Its in library books
  • writing or underlining in the books
  • leaving paper clips in the books
  • handling the books with dirty hands
  • spilling coffee or other beverages on the materials
  • using library books to prop up furniture or other heavy items

Users engaging in vandalizing, altering or damaging library building, furniture or equipment, including computer systems, networks, programs or data, are in violation of Hawai‘i State Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that Law. Repair or replacement costs will be assessed for any damaged materials.

Library materials must not be concealed in the Library (in foot lockers, other containers, rooms, shelves) for the exclusive use of individuals or groups.