Non-Law School Borrower Details & Registration Process
The Law Library is not a participant of the UH Community Borrowers Program. Circulation of library materials to non-law school affiliated individuals and groups is limited to the following people who may apply for borrowing privileges:
- Members of the School of Law University of Hawai`i System (UHS) faculty, staff and students
- Hawai`i State Bar Association (HSBA) active-status members
- Law Firms
- East-West Center scholars
All others may use materials in the library, including most Reserve materials, but may not check them out of the library. A photo ID is required when checking out Reserve materials.
- Patrons who are eligible to apply for borrowing privileges must complete a library registration form. The Law Library reserves the right to withhold this privilege to anyone not affiliated with the University of Hawai`i System.
- HSBA patrons must complete a form that requires the patron's signed authorization that he/she will be responsible for any fines and fees accrued for lost and/or overdue items. Upon submitting the form, the HSBA patron will receive a 1 year borrowing card that can be renewed annually.
- Law Firms must complete another type of form that requires the law firm director to sign and authorize that the firm will be responsible for any fine and fees accrued for lost and/or overdue items. A maximum of three people can be registered under one firm.
- Most of the materials in the library are for library use only. These items include statutes, reporters, digests, citators, multi-volume sets, loose-leaf publications, periodicals, encyclopedias, and anything with Reference or Reserve in its call number or anything in microform format.
- Qualified non-Law School patrons can borrow eligible, physical library items for 14 day, with one possibility for renewal. There is a 10 item borrowing limit.
- Reserve materials are for library use only and may be borrowed to read in the library for a period of two hours.