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Guide to the Law Library at UH Manoa : Use Policies

A guide to the University of Hawaii Law Library.

Use Policies

Use Policies

Access for Persons with Disabilities
Access to Online Resources
After Hours Policy
Book Drop and Returns
Camera Policy
Cell Phones
Circulation Policies
Copyright Compliance
Dangerous and Incendiary Items
Disruptive Behavior
Exiting the Library
Food and Drink
Group Study Room
HSBA & Law Firm Borrowing
Internet Use Policy
Lost or Misplaced Property
Mutilation/Damage/Concealment of Library Materials
Outside Equipment or Furniture
Posting Notices
Public Access
Reference Policy for Web
Re-Shelving Library Materials
Social Media Policy
Telephones and Messages

Access for Persons with Disabilities

The Law Library is committed to providing all members of the Law School community with the best possible access to library materials and services and will make every effort, within the limits of available resources, to meet the library needs of those who have disabilities.

Access to Online Resources

Many resources of the Law Library are available to individuals not affiliated with Law School. Anyone visiting the Law Library may utilize most networked electronic resources available through the Law Library’s Online Legal Resources page at the workstations designated for public use. The general public and non-law students may reserve computer time up to 30-minutes at a time.  Reservations can be made at the circulation desk located in the Law Library lobby.  Because of licensing restrictions, access to selected databases may be limited.

Remote users – such as our Law Students and Law Faculty – still have access to licensed databases by logging on with their UH user credentials.

After Hours Policy

Access to the Law Library after hours is restricted to the Law Student community. Law Library staff circulates at closing to ensure only Faculty and members of the Law Student community remain.

Book Drop and Returns

A book drop is located on the left-hand side outside the main entrance to the library. Use the book drop to return library books when the library is closed.

You may return any University or Community College library books at the Law Library.  We will deliver them to their appropriate collection.  You may return Law Library books to any University or Community College library.  They will deliver them to the Law Library.

Camera Policy

Please review the UH Law Library Camera policy.


Carrel privileges are provided to William S. Richardson School of Law students and assigned visiting scholars only.  Items are not to be stored overnight in the carrels. Carrels in the back of the library are designated a quiet zone for study, with no talking or noisy activities allowed. It is important to keep the carrels clean and undamaged for the next students who use them. Students are expected to follow carrel use rules and keep the carrels clean and tidy. Items are not to be nailed or glued to the carrels. Posters, pictures and other materials are not to be posted on the outside of carrels. Library staff will periodically inspect the carrels for violation of library policies. The Library reserves the right to check carrels for missing library materials. The Library is not responsible for any items left unattended in the carrels.

Cell Phones

Cell phones should be set to ring in “silent” mode and all conversation should be carried on outside the Library.

Circulation Policies

See Circulation Policies guide.


Public Access

The Library has two public access computers with an attached printer.

You may reserve a computer for 30 minute sessions.  You may not sign up for successive 30 minute session if others are waiting for a computer station.  These computers may be used for research purposes only.  Patrons may access personal email accounts in connection with their research while at the Library.  These terminals provide access to the Library catalog, various legal and general databases, and the Internet.  These computers do not have any word processing capabilities or audio capabilities.  Patrons may bring flash drives to copy files on public computers.

Recreational use of the Library’s public Internet workstations is prohibited.  Persons using public Internet workstations solely for recreational purposes may be asked to leave the premises.  Please view the Internet Use Policy section below.

Student Access

Students can use any of the workstations throughout the Law Library to access their email, library resources and the Internet for educational purposes.  Students are required to adhere to the Internet Use Policy outlined below.


Printing costs 10 cents per page. See circulation desk for assistance with printing from the public computers. The Library does not have a change machine and cannot make change. If you plan on using the printer, come with an appropriate amount of change.


The Law Library does not have a photocopy machine available for public use.  A scanner is available to the public to make digitized copies of material that can be emailed or saved to a USB drive.  The Law Library does not supply USB drives.  Please bring one with you if you plan to make copies from our scanner.  A Law Library employee can show you how to scan your documents, but we do not provide scanning services.  If you are disabled and cannot manage a scanner by yourself, please be sure to bring someone with you who can assist you.

Users copying or downloading materials are responsible for complying with applicable intellectual property law, including U.S. Copyright Law.

Dangerous and Incendiary Items

Firearms or other deadly weapons, explosives and/or explosive devices, or other dangerous devices are not permitted in the library building. Incendiary or other smoke-producing items are also not permitted in the library.

Disruptive Behavior

Persons exhibiting disruptive behavior will be asked to cease that behavior or leave the premises and/or be denied future access to the library. Disruptive behavior includes making excessive or unreasonable requests of library personnel, creating excessive noise that disrupts the use of the library by others, being belligerent and/or violent to library staff and patrons, offensive body odor, verbal or physical abuse, intimidation, or harassment on account of race, religion, ethnic or national background, gender or sexual orientation.

Exiting the Library

Users are required to leave the Library promptly at closing and during emergency situations, drills or when asked to leave by Library or security staff after violation of Library policies.


See Circulation Policies section.

Food and Drink

Food and drinks may be consumed in C.J.’s Corner in the library. Snack foods may be consumed in the rest of the library. No odorous, noisy, messy, greasy food is allowed. All uneaten food and leftovers, as well as food containers and beverage containers, must be disposed of in the trash cans outside of the library. This is to prevent infestation of ants and roaches in the library since trash cans in the library are emptied only once a day in the morning.

Group Study Room

Rooms 115, 116, 118, 119 and 120 may be used for group study for up to two hours at a time.  The Law Library allows limited use of its rooms for educational use only to groups officially affiliated with the School of Law or other recognized educational institutions under the University of Hawaiʻi system.  Groups are defined as 3 or more people.  Reservations are accepted throughout the year and should be made 48 hours in advance of need.  Contact Lynette Rudolfo to reserve a room.

HSBA & Law Firm Borrowing

The Law Library is not a participant of the UH Community Borrowers Program.  Circulation of library materials to non-law school-affiliated individuals and groups is limited. Only the following people may apply for borrowing privileges:

  • Members of the School of Law University of Hawai`i System (UHS) faculty, staff and students
  • Hawai`i State Bar Association (HSBA) active-status members
  • Law Firms
  • East-West Center scholars

For more information consult this guide.

Internet Use Policy

The Internet provides access to a wide variety of educational, recreational, research and reference resources, many of which are not available in print. The Library does not monitor or control the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for the content of the Internet. As an academic law library, access to the Internet is provided to facilitate legal research projects only.

The Internet may contain controversial or offensive material. We do not restrict access or protect persons from information found individually offensive, except as provided by law. Most of the materials on the Internet are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. However, displaying offensive images or language, or viewing or disseminating R and X rated images may constitute a form of harassment. Library patrons use the Internet at their own discretion and are expected to abide by federal, state and other laws. University of Hawaiʻi guidelines are found at, and

Lost or Misplaced Property

Lost or misplaced personal property brought to the Circulation Desk will be sent to Campus Center Room 212, Lost and Found, at the end of the semester.

Mutilation/Damage/Concealment of Library Materials

Library users are asked to treat the library materials with care. To extend the life of the materials, please avoid the following:

  • use of Post-Its in library books
  • writing or underlining in the books
  • leaving paper clips in the books
  • handling the books with dirty hands
  • spilling coffee or other beverages on the materials
  • using library books to prop up furniture or other heavy items

Users engaging in vandalizing, altering or damaging library building, furniture or equipment, including computer systems, networks, programs or data, are in violation of Hawai‘i State Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that Law. Repair or replacement costs will be assessed for any damaged materials.

Library materials must not be concealed in the Library (in foot lockers, other containers, rooms, shelves) for the exclusive use of individuals or groups.

Outside Equipment or Furniture

No outside equipment, furniture or any item may be brought into the library.

Posting Notices

Prior approval from the Library Director is required to post any notices in any part of the Library. Approved notices are posted on the board in the Reference Area next to the ramp leading to the carrel area. Only law school-related notices may be put on the board. Display panels are also available outside of the library and in the area next to the computer lab. Inquire with the librarians on use of the outside display boards.


Public printing costs 10 cents per page. See circulation desk for assistance with printing from the public computers. The Library does not have a change machine and cannot make change. If you plan on using the printer, come with an appropriate amount of change. 

Law students are given $100/year or roughly 1000 pages of free printing.  To add funds, go to the Law IT office at the Law Library, Room 117, or email or call 956-4727. Cash in $5 increments is accepted. The IT Office does not make change or give refunds.

Read more about our public and law student printing policies here.

Public Access

The Law Library is a specialized library and is limited in scope and resources focused on specialized resources and research.  It is not a general library.  We are open to the public for legal research purposes only following a consultation with a Law Librarian to determine the viability of completing projects at the Law Library and to review our rules and procedures.  Public visitors should note that they do not have full access to our databases, nor are they permitted to check out materials.  More than 70% of our holdings are available in digital format only and are not available to those who are unaffiliated with the William S. Richardson School of Law.  Consulting with our Law Librarians will avoid unnecessary trips, and we may be able to provide you with better assistance remotely.

Appointments with a Law Librarian can be made in person or via Zoom. Below is the contact information for the reference librarian (email communication is often faster):

Aamir Abdullah

(808) 956-0541

Reference assistance to the public will be provided to non-law school patrons as time and staffing allow. Reference questions from non-law school library users which exceed our capacity may be referred to the user’s own organization or a public library.  Although no time limit is fixed for answering a research question, priority for reference services is given to serving current students, faculty, and staff of the William S. Richardson School of Law.  If a public patron requires extended time to complete their project, a pass for two weeks will be issued to that patron.  Renewals will be granted upon review and application.

If you already made an appointment, please ring the doorbell or call 956-2867 for service.  Upon entry, you will be required to sign our visitor log.

Public patrons must limit their visits to the lobby area, except to retrieve shelved books or to use the bathrooms. Maps of the Law Library can be found in the information stand located in the Hawaii collection, or you may ask for one at the circulation desk.

Loitering, interrupting students or staff members, or use of the Law Library for purposes unrelated to conducting legal research is not permitted. Any person who interferes with our educational mission or disregards these use policies will be asked to leave.

Our services include:

  • identifying/recommending relevant print and Web resources
  • advice on legal and legislative research strategies
  • help using the PRIMO discovery tool
  • referrals to legal assistance organizations
  • limited scanning of materials for digital delivery

The Law Library staff is not permitted to:

  • give legal advice
  • interpret or analyze the meaning of any law or legal document
  • recommend a lawyer
  • read a section of a law, case, definition, or book over the phone or to patrons in the Law Library
  • help you fill out forms
  • compile bibliographies or legislative histories
  • complete student or work assignments
  • provide monetary change

Please see the home page of this guide for our hours.

Reference Policy for Web

Please review our Reference Service Policy.

Re-Shelving Library Materials

Please do not re-shelve all library materials you have used but have not checked out.  Materials should be placed on the re-shelving tables.


Please report any emergency or suspicious behavior to the Circulation Desk immediately or to the campus Public Safety Department at 956-6911.

If you need an escort to your car, please call the Public Safety Department’s escort service at 956-8211.


Smoking is prohibited in the Law Library and on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus.

Social Media Policy

The Law Library has a social media policy that applies to all library social media sources (Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc).

Telephones and Messages

The Library’s telephones are for library staff use. The Library does not convey messages to nor page students or other library users unless it is an emergency or it involves the Public Safety department.


Library users are advised not to leave any personal belongings unattended for any length of time anywhere in the Library, including the carrels.  Thefts of books, personal items, and computer equipment have occurred in the past. Users are responsible for their personal property. Library materials, equipment or property must not be taken from the library building without proper checkout or authorization. Library personnel reserve the right to request a patron to display the contents of his/her bag before he/she exits the library.


No library windows are to be opened without the express permission of library staff.