For the convenience of mobile device users who want to utilize the UHM Wireless Network, as well as frequent wireless users, you can now setup a passthrough for your device to use the UHM SSID. Doing this will allow the device to bypass the normal UHM wireless login process and immediately access the wireless network.
To setup a passthrough, go to To complete the passthrough setup process, you will need:
Passthroughs expire after 1 year, and each user is allowed a maximum of 10 passthroughs to be setup at a time. Passthroughs are registered under your UH Username, and you are responsible for the activity of these devices while they are connected to the UHM wireless network.
UH faculty and staff may request access to the UHM Wireless Network for their visitors. More information about VIA can be found at
My wireless connection used to work, but now it doesn't.
My wireless connection never worked.
I can connect and get to the wireless authentication page, but I can't get past that page.
If you are still experiencing issues with wireless at the UH-Mānoa campus, please contact the ITS Help Desk at
UHM offers wireless access to enrolled students across the entire campus including the Law School. To connect to the UHM Wireless Network, you will need:
Note: ITS does not support third party wireless configuration wizards due to the amount of various software applications that are available. Consult the documentation that came with your wireless card to learn how to turn this software off.
In addition to the UHM wireless network, the Law School provides additional wireless access points in the classrooms. The Law School's wireless network is called LAW. It requires a security key to gain access. For security reasons, we cannot disclose the security key here. Please come to our office in the Law Library Room 117 if you need access to the LAW network.
To find out which buildings have wireless coverage on campus, please visit the campus map at
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Mac OS X 10.4/10.5