In the event of an emergency call 956-6911. Please report any emergency or suspicious behavior to the Circulation Desk immediately. If you need an escort to your car, please call Campus Security’s escort service at 956-8211. |
Patrons are required to leave the Library promptly at closing and during emergency situations, drills, or when asked to leave by Library or security staff after violation of Library policies.
EVERYONE in the Law Library MUST exit at the close of our normal business hours each day. Announcements for closing are made at 30, 15, and 5 minutes before closing over the public announcement system. Students must bring their Access Cards when exiting, then re-enter the Law Library after closing by tapping their Card at the entrance.
Twenty-four-hour access is a privilege extended to law students. One Access Card is assigned to one student, and no one else, to access the Law Library after hours. Students are not allowed to bring family members and friends to the Law Library after hours. In addition, Access Cardholders cannot hold the door open for other students who forgot to bring their Access Card with them. Failure to abide by the rules will result in the loss of this privilege.
Library users are advised not to leave any personal belongings unattended for any length of time anywhere in the Library, including the carrels. Thefts of books, personal items, and computer equipment have occurred in the past. Users are responsible for their personal property. Library materials, equipment or property must not be taken from the library building without proper checkout or authorization. Library personnel reserve the right to request a patron to display the contents of his/her bag before he/she exits the library.
No library windows are to be opened without the express permission of library staff.