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Bar Exam Guide: MBE

Guide to the Bar exam

The Basics

All U.S. jurisdictions, except Louisiana, use the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), which is a multiple choice question exam comprised of 200 questions testing seven subject areas. These subject areas are:

1. Civil Procedure

2. Constitutional Law

3. Contracts and Sales

4. Criminal Law and Procedure

5. Evidence

6. Real Property

7. Torts

The weight of the MBE varies by jurisdiction, with MBE weight ranging from 33%-50% of the bar exam. However, most states weight the MBE as 50% of the bar exam. 

An outline for subject areas tested on the MBE published by the NCBE can be located here:

MBE Questions from the NCBE

21 free sample MBE questions provided by the NCBE can be located here:

Released past MBE questions can be purchased directly from the NCBE on their study aids page, located here: The NCBE also licenses released past MBE questions to third parties. Strategies and Tactics for the MBE (ISBN-13: 978-1454873129) is a popular resource for released past MBE questions. Additionally, companies such as AdaptiBar, BarMax, and JDAdvising sell released past MBE questions.

Exam Like Questions

Strategies and Tactics for the FINZ Mutlistate Method (ISBN-13: 978-1543805963) is another popular resource that includes 1200 exam like multiple choice questions that may be helpful in studying for the MBE.